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Dave Wakeman's The Business of Fun Podcast

Jan 18, 2022

My guest today is long-time friend of the podcast, Lyndsey Jackson, from the Edinburgh Fringe Festival. 

Today's episode is brought to you by my friends at Booking Protect. Refund protection is a more important part of your recovery strategy as customers are taking up refund protection more often than before the pandemic. 

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Lydnsey Jackson is a really great sport as you'll find out with her answers to the 7 quick fire questions. 

We got into how her team was able to manage their event in a very fluid environment. 

We also talk about the idea of value and how it was important to convince folks to think about value differently. We hit on the power of digital to help expand the mission of the Fringe. And, we discussed different pricing models. 

Lyndsey talks about the presentation she is making at INTIX. What accelerated change looks like and means. And, what her favorite Fringe events include.