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Dave Wakeman's The Business of Fun Podcast

Aug 20, 2021

I brought back Martin Haigh today to talk about technology and partnerships.

Martin has been on before, but we've been talking about the idea of holistic solutions for partnerships and sponsorships. And, we've been pushing a new SXSW panel on the topic. 

We discuss what he's doing at Total Ticketing as well. I also think we talk about trying to take a trip to really cool places in Asia! But you'll need to listen to find out where we are thinking about going. 

The number of ticket buyers taking up refund protection now is around 33% which is about 50% more than before the pandemic. This points to uncertainty around the pandemic and means you should talk with Booking Protect to find out how you can offer refund protection to your audience.

Get my weekly ticket newsletter, Talking Tickets:

I've teamed up with Eventellect to create a Net Promoter Score worksheet. It is an easy number to measure and use. You gain quantitative and qualitative feedback and if you track your score over time, you can find out if your business is in danger of decline or ready to grow. Send me an email and I will send you a copy. 

Check out the Activate email marketing system from Activity Stream. This is a tool that will help you send smarter emails and get your audience back engaged with your shows, tickets, and organization.